My current practice is focused on exploring my drawing, collage and printmaking skills and slowly reintroducing colour into the images I create. I am also excited to pursue my interests in puppetry and working with textiles. After my last body of work, I feel I finally have permission to try out different ideas and open my mind to new ideas. Building a sustainable studio and practice is also something I'm focusing on in the immediate future. My motivation comes from my personal experience and my close friends and family. Interested in storytelling, a variety of media and the ability to interact with art and creative pieces is also something I'd love to build upon.
My past works have been vital in learning about how much I am able to put into my art, as well as developing style and viewpoint. They have shown me that I am capable of making those that have interest in the outside world and the benefits of expressing my feelings.
I seek to offer the world of arts and theatre to someone who is caring and compassionate, able to assist others in telling their stories and sharing my viewpoint where relevant. The support I have received has been an invaluable part of my growth and success and I only hope to offer that to others.
This is my collection of artworks.
Please Enjoy!